His brother, eric chase anderson, has designed covers for most of his movies. His website is awesome and listed on the left of this screen always.
the art of eric chase anderson
the life eclectic

Wes also has a tendency to use all the same actors in his movies...to name a few: his brother, bill murray, owen wilson, jason schwartzman, cate blanchett, anjelica huston, luke wilson...

the way i feel inside
30 century man
queen bitch

this time tomorrow
where do you go to my lovely
les champs-elysees

for more info on wes anderson:
Wesley Mortimer Wales "Wes" Anderson (born May 1, 1969) is an American film director, screenwriter, actor, and producer of features, short films and commercials. He was nominated for a 2001 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for The Royal Tenenbaums. Anderson has been called an auteur, as he is involved in every aspect of his films' production. His films employ a similar aesthetic, employing a deliberate, methodical cinematography, with mostly primary colors. His soundtracks feature early folk and rock music, in particular classic British rock. Anderson's films combine dry humor with poignant portrayals of flawed characters – often a mix of the wealthy and the working class. He is also known for working with many of the same actors and crew on varying projects. He also works with Indian Paintbrush, Steven M. Rales's production company. Anderson has recently acknowledged that he went to India to film his 2007 film, The Darjeeling Limited partly as a tribute to the legendary Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray, whose "films have also inspired all my other movies in different ways." He dedicated the movie to Ray's memory.